Three Months Under The Snow by J. J. Porchat

Three Months Under The Snow by J. J. Porchat


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“Immediately we heard the most dreadful howlings,—as it were directly over our heads.
‘Wolves!’ I exclaimed... ‘They’re digging through the snow,’ I cried, clasping my grandfather in my arms. ‘They will surely get in and devour us…’ ”

When Louis, a teen-aged boy and his grandfather head up into the mountains to find Louis’ father, they cannot possibly imagine the trial that will soon befall them.

In this amazing but true story we follow Louis and his “Grandpapa”, villagers of the Jura region of the Alps, as they become unexpectedly buried by snow in their family chalet and remained imprisoned and unreachable for several months.

Caught unprepared by this sudden entrapment, Louis relates this haunting survival tale in his journal entries over the harrowing months that ensue. He recounts not only the daily deprivations and the necessary rationing of scarce resources but of their several narrow escapes from death.

Learn of God’s providence through His protection from ravening wolves, a violent hurricane, and the threat of fire; along with His gracious provision and deliverance from starvation as time and again He proves Himself sovereign. See His faithfulness to these captives through wise old eyes as Grandpapa discerns God’s goodness to them and comforts and strengthens Louis by it.
Grandpapa’s advice helps them endure from one day to the next but the winter continues to rage unabated outside their tiny walls and the failing man grows continually weaker.

Will he die before they are delivered from their snowy tomb? Will they be found alive—or will Louis’ journal be the only thing that survives to tell the tale?

Your heart will race as you turn the pages of Louis’ journal to discover their fate.


ISBN-13: 978-1610100397
ISBN-10: 1610100395
BISAC: Religion / Christianity / General